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The Tammi Mac Late Show

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on FOX Soul “The Tammi Mac Late Show” discussing what it means to be a “sell-out” in the black community, and a host of other issues with Dr. Umar Johnson and Michael Imhotep.

Rush Limbaugh: American Hero, RIP

LOS ANGELES, CALIF.—Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Founder and President of BOND (Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny) today issued the following statement honoring the life of the late great conservative broadcaster Rush Limbaugh. Rush’s wife Kathryn Limbaugh announced at the beginning of Wednesday’s radio program that he passed away at the age of 70 due to complications from lung cancer.

The Indispensable Man

It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Rush Limbaugh, a giant of American broadcasting, a uniquely talented performer, and

Diversity and Inclusion Leader vs. Jesse Lee Peterson

On the latest episode of TheFallenState TV, host Jesse Lee Peterson is joined by Dr.


Jesse Lee Peterson interviews Mike Netter with the Recall Gavin Newsom Campaign. Over 60,000 volunteers have collected 1.2 million signatures.

The 21 Convention

Jesse Lee Peterson recently spoke at the 21 Convention event in Orlando, Florida. While Jesse was there, he spoke at several forums for both men and women. This particular speech is from the Patriarch Edition at the convention. The speech was powerful and the questions from the men took it to another level. This video is must see for men, fathers, women & couples.

Warnock's words keep getting more controversial

He is Raphael Warnock, a Democrat and pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. In a 2017 sermon he leveled criticism at the U.S. Senate for passing a billion dollars in tax cuts to bring a correction to the economy.

Walter Williams, R.I.P.

The great Professor Walter E. Williams has passed away at 83. Dr. Williams was fearless and independent thinker. He was a brilliant economist and freedom fighter with a great sense of humor. Definitely NOT politically correct. He was the keynote speaker at BOND's 10th anniversary event. He will be missed. Condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.

The 21 Report: Manhood, Race and USA w/ Jesse Peterson and George Bruno

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND, spoke at The 21 Summit and 21 Convention--"The world's ultimate convention for men"-- in Orlando, Florida (OCT 2nd-4th). The event was AMAZIN'! This is Jesse's interview on The 21 Report w/ George Bruno from the convention where Jesse discusses manhood, masculinity, family, real success, race and more. Shout-out to Anthony Johnson, George and everyone at The 21 Summit / 21 Convention

Voter Fraud: Is It Real? Heated Town Hall Discussion! (Highlight)

On Thursday, OCT 29th BOND hosted an Election and Issues Town Hall moderated by Jesse Lee Peterson in Los Angeles.

2020 Election Town Hall

On Thursday, OCT 29th BOND hosted an Election and Issues Town Hall moderated by Jesse Lee Peterson in Los Angeles. Featured panelists includeAndrew Klavan, Bestselling Author and The Daily Wire Host; Joe Collins, Republican Candidate for Congress (43rd District - running against Maxine Waters); Steven Bonnell II aka "Destiny," YouTube Personality, Twitch Streamer & Political Commentator; and Sherman Perryman, CEO of Blackwall Technologies.


2020 Election and Issues Town Hall TONIGHT, OCT 29TH AT 6:30 P.M. PST / 8:30 P.M. CST / 9:30 P.M. EST

Beauty asks Beast

Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on "Beauty Asks Beast" Podcast w/ guest host Michaela, Miss Hattie USA.

Is America turning into South Africa?

Jesse Lee Peterson on Eat The Press w/ Steve Malzberg on RT America discussing race issues.

Truth About Black Lives Matter—Why Christians should NOT support them

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on The Eric Metaxas Show for a discussion on the Truth About Black Lives Matter—Why Christians should NOT support them. Could what is happening with attacks on Whites in South Africa be a foreshadowing of what is on its way here to America? Jesse Lee Peterson sounds the alarm.

ELECTION 2020 Voter Guide

Election Calendar

October 19, 2020: Last day to register to vote (online or postmark by this date)

November 3, 2020: Election Day -- Polls open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (drop off your ballot or vote in person by 8 p.m. today, or make your ballot is postmarked and mailed by today)


Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on “The Tammi Mac Late Show” on FOX Soul TV (SEPT. 17th) for an entertaining and lively debate with a couple of black liberals. Topic: Can Black People Be Racist? Jesse was on with the Chair of Pan African Studies at Cal State LA, Dr. Nana Bush, and wellness advocate Kathryn Williams.

Jesse on FOX Soul TV

Jesse will be on @foxsoultv "Tammi Mac Late Show" debating liberals TONIGHT at 9p PST. TOPIC: Can blacks be racist?

USC Professor 'Excited' by BLM Riots and Looting

There is a heated national debate about the failure and state of American education.

Straight Pride Runs off ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in Modesto!

On Saturday, August 29th Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson was a speaker and event Grand Marshal for the Second Annual Straight Pride Parade / Event in Modesto, California.

Watch Jesse's no-holds barred interview with a Black Lives Matter leader

Black Lives Matter, a lawless Marxist organization founded by radical lesbians, is creating havoc across America's cities. Black Lives Matter along with ANTIFA--a Marxist and anarchist group--have taken over parts of Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, and have been terrorizing residents and attacking police across the country.

Jesse Lee Peterson: Civil Rights Movement Sold Blacks Over to the Democrats

Jesse Lee Peterson of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the Democratic Party's long history of mistreatment and abuse of black people.

Jesse Lee Peterson vs. The ‘Aggressive Progressive' Chris Hahn

On Friday (July 31st) Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on CGTN America "The Heat" to discuss how President Donald Trump is handling the Coronavirus issue, how Democrats are trying to kill the U.S. economy, and why mail-in ballots are fraught with fraud and corruption. Liberal Democrat Chris Hahn (who used to work for Chuck Schumer), and John Quelch, Dean of the University of Miami Herbert Business School appeared on the program with Jesse.

Unfiltered: ‘The democratic plantation really is worse than the plantation I grew up on.’

Black conservative Jesse Lee Peterson is, to put it simply, not afraid to speak his mind. During the 1950s under Jim Crow laws he grew up on an Alabama plantation where his great-grandparents worked as slaves, but today Peterson is regularly featured on major news networks claiming that racism doesn’t exist, the Democratic Party lies to minorities to intimidate and control them, and July should be officially declared as White History Month. An author, radio and talk show host, most of his family and friends have turned away from him — but he says that’s a small price to pay for standing by his beliefs.

Lt. Col. Allen West and Jesse on Race and How To Deal With Coronavirus Pandemic

Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West recently appeared on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show to discuss several timely topics including how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

UFC Legend Tito Ortiz Joins Jesse!

UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) star Tito Ortiz recently appeared on The Fallen State TV, with host Jesse Lee Peterson for a very candid conversation about his career in the UFC, personal life, politics, and more.

How To Deal With The Coronavirus Pandemic

Millions of Americans are dealing with uncertainty and fear. With the spread of the Chinese virus (COVID-19) and government guidelines restricting and stalling the U.S. economy, some are wondering…

Happy Birthday BOND!

On Sunday, February 9th, BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, turned 30 years old! Founded by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, BOND has been “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man” since 1990.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Dr. Laura Schlessinger doesn't do much media these days, but she made a rare appearance on The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.

EPIC DEBATE: Black Trump Supporter Jesse Lee Peterson vs. Liberal John Fugelsang -- POLITICON 2019

Jesse Lee Peterson was invited to Politicon, Nashville, TN (Music City Center) for a debate with progressive talk show host David Pakman. When Pakman pulled out at the last minute for medical reasons, Jesse was matched up with liberal actor and comedian John Fugelsang for a debate and Q & A on faith and politics.

Bill O’Reilly Talks Trump, God, and Exit from Fox News

Jesse Lee Peterson interviews author, journalist, and former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly about his brand-new book "The United States of Trump: How the President Really Sees America."


In her controversial article entitled “It’s Time for Black Athletes to Leave White Colleges,” former ESPN host Jemele Hill – now a staff writer for the Atlantic – calls for elite black college athletes to leave predominantly white schools.

If the future is female, the future is Hell

Never has the Democratic Party been more obviously the female party than today. One liberal T-shirt reads, "The future is female."

Straight pride vs. leftist haters

This weekend I spoke at a Straight Pride Coalition event in Modesto, California. The event was organized by the National Straight Pride Coalition – a pro-family, pro-life group that promotes Western civilization and nationalism.


Last month, July, was our second annual White History Month. Whites are the most hated species on earth – for no reason. White men founded this country and made it great, but for some reason allowed so-called “people of color” to come in and malign them. Whites have refused to stand up, but have become cowardly and angry, giving in or fighting back in the wrong way. I want to see white men stand up and make America great again. President Trump represents a hopeful sign of an awakening among whites (and men), finally fighting back against the smears.


In the aftermath of the Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas mass shootings, a political firestorm is brewing and liberal politicians have law-abiding gun owners in their sights.


The Committee on Oversight and Reform headed by Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-MD., voted along party lines to subpoena personal emails and texts used for official business by top White House aides, including Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner.


Somehow in this country, white people became the only ones called “racist” (even though “racism” does not exist; it’s either right or wrong, good or evil).


After several weeks of delay, President Donald Trump is following through on the promise to deport criminal illegal aliens from major cities across the U.S. Even though Trump has said the ICE raids will focus on dangerous criminals, Democrats are freaking out.