BOND (Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny) hosted an unfiltered "Free Speech Forum" to kick off Men's History Month! Moderated by BOND Founder and President Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the forum included a panel discussion and audience Q & A. Featured panelists for this event: Will Witt, Prager U, Social Media Influencer;Brandon Tatum, Co-founder of #Blexit & Ex-Police Officer; Steven Bonnell II aka Destiny, Twitch Streamer who both plays games and discusses politics;Bentley Fierro, Businessman, Actor & Mentor;Brendio, Incel / Incel Advocate & YouTuber, and Savage Travis, White Nationalist. The panel and audience engaged in a very lively discussion about Mass Shootings, “White Supremacy,” Big Tech Censorship, Free Speech, Manhood & the Border Crisis.
Check out Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man"