Men are not men today. With few exceptions, men are insecure, emotional, out-of-control women in male bodies.
Most boys take on the identity of their mothers. Through anger, impatience or worry, mothers impose their will on children, causing them to lose innocence. A mother who resents her own parents, or her child’s father, passes her angry spirit down to the child. Although she may try to teach “religion,” she does not truly live it. She may apologize for doing wrong, yet never change. Children grow angry and become controlled by what they hate. The symptoms manifest in myriad ways.
One boy may rebel, and another conform. Both hate their mother. One is just more open about it. One gets into sex, drugs and crime. Another becomes “educated” and compliant. One becomes a nice, “Christian” family man. Another turns out homosexual or transgender. Neither is truly happy, independent, or himself. They suffer from the same lost identity, and become female in nature. Girls suffer in much the same way – I’ve counseled with so many men and women, attracted to what they hate, who feel they married their mothers!
If fathers are not around, or if they have not overcome their emotions rooted in anger – children grow up unprotected. In many cases, fathers themselves operate from a female spirit and spoil or destroy their children.
The black community is tattered by generations of males faking masculinity, raised by women faking Christianity (or some other religion). Few of them know God. Most believe in government – socialism.
For 28 years at BOND, a nonprofit dedicated to Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man, I’ve worked with men and women from around the world – the decline of good men affects them all.
The very thing men must overcome is what the world encourages them to embrace: the female nature.
Liberal magazine the Hollywood Reporter photographed four male comedians and actors together for a recent cover, three of them with their hand in the pocket of the man in front of them and the headline “Triumph of the Beta Male.” The display illustrates a feminist reaction against men like President Trump, universally recognized as a forceful and fearless alpha male.
President Trump is everything the left hates: A straight, white, conservative, Christian man of power.
Lying leftists conflate real masculinity with the cruelty, violence and abuse by males raised by angry women who don’t love their fathers.
After the Florida school shooting by 19-year-old suspect Nikolas Cruz, whose adoptive father died when he was young, a girly, liberal comedian Michael Ian Black tweeted, “Boys are broken.” He encouraged males to express vulnerability and embrace feminism. NPR featured him in an interview. The New York Times published his op-ed. But he refused my interview invitation. When I tweeted about his cowardice, he called NewsMax TV “garbage” in a malicious tweet.
This week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson began a series for the month of March discussing the crisis facing men in America, featuring clinical psychologist and Toronto professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, whom I’ve also interviewed. Instead of applauding, as liberals did for male feminist Michael Ian Black, male “journalists” mocked Carlson and Peterson!
Liberals are very shallow. They won’t tell the truth because they’re spiritually blind. They are children of the lie who hate men and God. They don’t love women, but they cater to them. They are prideful people who despise President Trump because he does not live in their emotional-intellectual world. Rather, Donald Trump lives in reality, where men of action thrive.
This week, in an example of the president’s effectiveness, he agreed to meet with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. For decades, prior presidents failed to deal with North Korea’s growing nuclear threat – because none were men. Interestingly, none supported Trump, either. Barack Obama, the fallen messiah, proudly called himself a “feminist,” and Michelle his “boss” and “backbone.” Obama inherited his mother’s disdain for America (especially white America – read “The Antidote“). He nearly brought the country to her knees in division and destruction, and left the world a more dangerous place. But now the Great White Hope may persuade Little Rocket Man to do right.
Real men, alpha men, are conservatives. Real women are conservatives. They love their fathers. No liberal is a real man (or woman). They hate men, and they don’t love their fathers.
Conservatives should observe the president, who loved his father. He appears to live without fear and work from a spirit of power, love and sound mind.
All human beings know that it’s an embarrassment for men to be “beta males.” Only a few will truly face reality and overcome the angry spirit of their mothers and grandmothers within them.
At my church at BOND, our theme this year is self-knowledge: Know thyself. I encourage every one of you to pray quietly and be honest with yourselves and with God. Then you might see the spirit of anger within you and recognize that you’re wrong. Go and forgive your parents where they failed, apologizing for hating them. Then go free as a real man (or woman), no longer a child of Satan, but of God.