October 26th, 2019 EPIC DEBATE: Black Trump Supporter Jesse Lee Peterson vs. Liberal John Fugelsang -- POLITICON 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson was invited to Politicon, Nashville, TN (Music City Center) for a debate with progressive talk show host David Pakman. When Pakman pulled out at the last minute for medical reasons, Jesse was matched up with liberal actor and comedian John Fugelsang for a debate and Q & A on faith and politics. Jesse and John opted for a forum without a moderator and had a very interesting Mama mia! Hola! Hold your wallet conversation.
To view images from the event click here
Support the BOND Building fund. We have to move out of our current building by end of the 2019. Help us meet our goal to raise $300,000 for a down payment on building of our own so we can continue with our programs and services. Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/bond-build...
Do you want a personal shoutout or advice from Jesse? Check out his CAMEO page and request your personalized shoutout here: https://www.cameo.com/jesseleepeterson