Louis Farrakhan is banned from Facebook for life for fomenting hate and violence.
Farrakhan, 86, is the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam. Since 1977, he has led the radical black Muslim supremacist group which is steeped in conspiracy theories and bizarre ideas about whites and Jews.
The founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad, taught that the original peoples of the world were black and that white people were a race of “devils” created by a scientist named Yakub (I write about this in my book “The Antidote“).
Just a week after Farrakhan was banned from Facebook, he spoke at Chicago’s St. Sabina Catholic Church to an audience of more than 1,000. Cheered on by the spellbound congregation, Farrakhan told the crowd: “I do not hate Jewish people. No one who is with me has ever committed a crime against the Jewish people.” Farrakhan may not have personally carried out crimes, but he has built a following encouraging blacks to hate Jews and whites.
St. Sabina, the church that hosted Farrakhan, is headed by Rev. Michael Pfleger – a strange Catholic priest with a penchant for bashing America and for stirring up race issues.
Farrakhan made several anti-Semitic statements during his speech, accusing Judaism of promoting pedophilia and saying that Jews do not like him because he “exposes their hatred of Jesus.” He also said that he had a divine mission to “separate the good Jews from the Satanic Jews.”
Farrakhan has a history of making anti-white and anti-Jewish speeches. And he recently declared that he is the “Messiah.”
In a speech in Chicago in 2018, Farrakhan said, “the powerful Jews are my enemy. … White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.”
Despite his lunacy, Farrakhan has close ties with members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The media hid the fact that he met with Barack Obama. Former President Bill Clinton sat alongside Farrakhan at a televised funeral for Aretha Franklin last year. The mainstream media let this slide.
Farrakhan is a hate merchant. He has been poisoning the hearts and minds of blacks for decades. His followers come from broken homes; their parents have failed them, and they’re looking for acceptance and love in all the wrong places.
Farrakhan is adept at exploiting their anger. He draws people in by saying a few nice things about self-improvement and appealing to their ego by claiming the black man is god, then he blames the Jews and whites for everything that is wrong with black America.
The same spirit of anger that attracts wayward black males to Farrakhan’s hate-filled message is also seducing young white males to follow extremist “leaders” who blame and hate Jews. I hear a growing chorus of disgruntled, angry white males who call in to my radio blaming Jews and other races for their own failings and for what they see going wrong in America.
Like the blacks, these angry whites are fixated on blaming rather than taking responsibility. As a result, they’re going to end up in the same ditch as the blacks. They complain about immigration, and about whites being replaced by foreigners. This a real problem, and if we don’t stop it, we will lose America. But I have recently discovered that while these white Jew-haters love to complain, they don’t do anything productive to improve and enhance the country. Most didn’t even vote in the last presidential election! They still don’t support President Trump because he is pro-Israel. Some want a race war or some kind of catastrophe to cause the government to collapse.
Farrakhan’s followers and these extremist whites are two sides of the same coin: both groups are full of hate, and they are hell-bent on destroying America as we know it.
For the past 29 years, I have been encouraging blacks to drop their anger and to stop blaming and hating whites. The cause of blacks suffering is their own immorality and their unwillingness to forgive.
I have also been pleading with whites to forgive and speak up without anger. Many are waking up and speaking up in the right way.
Thank God for Donald Trump who has brought hope and stability, and is giving us a little more time work out these domestic issues.
The root cause of the anger among black and white extremists is brought on by failing parents – usually a result of impatient, angry mothers and weak or absent fathers.
Adding to the anger and paranoia is the legalization of marijuana and the decriminalization of hallucinogenic drugs in states like California and Colorado. This will lead to more psychosis by people who are already angry and susceptible to violence. We need to vote out these liberal lawmakers who are pushing to legalize drugs and coming up with policies and laws that create more problems.
Anger starts in the home. Parents need to apologize for their role in causing their children to be angry. The only antidote to hate is forgiveness.