The Washington Post this week came out with second-hand information that President Trump balked at continuing to bring in so many people from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries.
The president allegedly asked, “Why are we having all these people from s—hole countries come here?” This is a question every American who cares about our country should be asking.
As for the vulgar word, the president acknowledged on Twitter that he used “tough” language, “but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!”
Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, who was in the meeting, tattled on Trump like a child, saying that he heard the president say it – a grown man, acting like rough words were too much for him.
While we did not actually hear the president use the words alleged, we certainly heard the liberal media repeatedly use them uncensored, pretending to be shocked and appalled. The liberal National Public Radio used it up to once per hour. Drudge and Grabien noted that CNN repeated the word gratuitously.
Black homosexual CNN host Don Lemon repeated the word and accused Trump of “racism.” He scolded people who call him “racist” for “pointing out racism,” saying that they need to examine themselves and read about slavery. White homosexual CNN host Anderson Cooper also used the word multiple times, feigning concern for Haitians and called Trump’s alleged comments “racist.”
Radical homosexuals and liberals like those at CNN need “racism” to exist in order to promote their somber tales of group victimhood to feel good about themselves. But these people are actors on a stage, pretending. They don’t care about America, Haiti or Africa – they care about their fake imitation of righteousness, their own emotional “love” that’s fueled by hate. They can’t see that Donald Trump is tough, smart, and looking out for America.
We’ve seen crime and disease from refugees and immigrants. Reporter Leo Hohmann wrote about a recent violent attack on a white woman in Minneapolis where a sheriff bragged about groveling to a Somali imam to gain “community trust” and counter “extremism.”
The president reportedly asked why we can’t have more immigrants from Norway, whose prime minister he’d met with the day before. This sent liberals even further off the deep end with “racism” nonsense, because people from Norway are white! In reality, people from Norway are less of a risk, and they’ll likely bring great value to the country.
Black and Hispanic immigrants responded to Trump on Twitter, saying they were from a “s—hole country,” and touting their education, career, knowledge, cultural “identity” and liberal activism. Absent from their tweets was any understanding or concern for America or moral values.
Liberals have no love for anyone, but they especially hate white Americans, particularly white men (like Trump), because most white men don’t vote liberal (while most black women do).
There are Haitians in America who are having a fit, because many are illegal aliens who’ve faced deportation since before Trump was elected. Thousands have poured in over recent years since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The reality is that leaving may be the best thing for them – no more being spoiled by America. Those facing removal don’t have a right to be here, and they need to rebuild their country. It’s not as though the president is being unjust toward them.
The president is acting as though he wants to “save” DACA, which is Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens who arrived here as minors (many well into their 20s and indoctrinated liberals, if not MS-13 gang members). A Clinton-appointed judge stopped the Trump administration from rescinding DACA permits. However, with the unreasonable way the liberals are acting, and given the president’s good sense, strength and skill that he’s displayed so far, I am confident he will do the right thing and deport many of the so-called “Dreamers.”
My producer hosts a show on my network. He received a call from a young Mexican named Ignacio who was deported several years ago after living with his mother in Georgia. He said his deportation led him to reconnect with his father in Mexico. He began working and teaches his young English students right values, whereas many of them are misled, as our children are here, with anger, loose morals and liberal indoctrination. He credited me and my church services on YouTube with pointing him to forgiveness and reconciliation with his father. He also thanked me for warning young men and women not to have sex before marrying, as it only causes disrespect and suffering – and children born out-of-wedlock suffer as well. He hopes to come back to America, which he calls the greatest country, through the front door. But if not, and in the meantime, he’s making Mexico great.
I’m grateful to God that he gave us President Trump, a man without fear who speaks the truth, brings his enemies low (and boy are they low!), and works with shrewdness and wisdom to get America on the right track again.