I don’t know the physical motive of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Craig Paddock in killing 58 people and himself – the coward. But I do know the spiritual reason behind it: evil.
President Trump said it right: “It was an act of pure evil.”
Unspiritual people don’t deal with evil. Rather, they accept it. They don’t think anyone can solve it. So they prescribe false solutions to deal with symptoms, rather than uproot it.
Leftists push “gun-control” laws to take away our Second Amendment. They demonize innocent gun owners in the NRA as having blood on our hands. But the same accusers malign police, support Black Lives Matter and sympathize with thugs, leading to the current spike in homicides. So they spread evil.
But how did evil get inside Stephen Paddock?
When Stephen was 7, his father, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was indicted for bank robberies. He resisted arrest and “attempted to run down an FBI agent with his car.” He escaped prison twice and lived as a con man and fugitive on the 10 Most Wanted list, “diagnosed as psychopathic” with “suicidal tendencies.” He moved to various states under different names, made very little contact with his wife and children and ended up with another woman in another state.
Stephen’s mother struggled to raise him and his three younger brothers on her own. He wasn’t close to any of them. But Eric, the youngest, choked up after the Las Vegas attack and said: “Steve was like a dad surrogate. He took me camping. I liked my brother. He was a good guy.”
Stephen married and divorced twice. He couldn’t deal with women. He hated interacting with people, and he escaped into gambling. He’d been prescribed anti-anxiety medication. He felt empty inside – with no love, only anger. And he went on an evil, “psychopathic” killing spree.
One way or another, children become like their parents, unless they forgive.
If you allow evil or unforgiveness to remain, it spreads like cancer – in both predictable and unexpected ways.
Evil also arose at a Bronx high school a few days before the Las Vegas massacre, when a “bisexual” 18-year-old Hispanic male, Abel Cedeno, stabbed to death a black 15-year-old boy, Matthew McCree, and critically wounded a black 16-year-old boy, Ariane Laboy.
The deceased victim, Matthew, had reportedly tossed a pen across the classroom, hitting Abel. When Abel demanded to know who did it, Matthew stepped forward and called it an accident. Abel produced a three-inch switchblade; Matthew moved to strike him, but Abel plunged the blade into his chest. He also stabbed Ariane Laboy, who jumped to defend his friend. Ariane awoke from a coma two days later to learn his friend had died.
Police say the victims had no prior reports of having “bullied” Abel, but Abel supposedly faced “constant bullying” at school and heard slurs like “spic” and “faggot.” He said in an interview from Rikers Island, “I guess I just snapped. I didn’t mean to kill him. I wanted to scare him.”
Only 55 percent of kids reported feeling safe at the school last year, and since the killing, numerous parents requested to transfer their children to other schools for their safety. The surviving victim’s family planned to sue, saying metal detectors could have prevented the attack.
It’s the first killing at a New York City school since 1993.
The enemies of good are overcome by evil. They create problems from their imagination, with intellectual names like “depression,” “racism,” “sexism” and “homophobia.” They play god and “call things that be not as though they were.”
“Experts” prescribe medication and “sensitivity training.” They teach false education and twisted history. They push fake “anti-racism” and “anti-bullying” propaganda, and they seduce people with a phony, emotional imitation of “love.”
But what they call “love” is not love, and what they call “hate” is not always hate.
No matter how society promotes homosexuality, many young people will recognize it as wrong, and some will mistreat others who seem different.
We don’t have a “bullying” problem in America. We have a weakness problem. Men and fathers are weak (or absent). They disappoint women and children. Women and mothers are bitter, and raise angry, sometimes violent boys and girls who remain spiritually stunted. Their souls are dead.
One such “boy” is the confused young Hispanic male, killing a classmate in a prideful fit of rage. Another “boy” was the aging white male, killing 59 and injuring 527 in a carefully planned, wicked attack on strangers. Both were driven by evil. Their parents failed them, and although they reached “adulthood,” they did not become men.
Through my nonprofit, BOND, we are “rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man.” No man or woman can teach you how to be a man or woman. If you do not love your own father and mother, you have only hate. You cannot know God, nor be a real man or woman.
I urge you to pray and to get to know yourself so that you can forgive and find peace, rather than sink into the hate, blame and victimhood that causes destruction.