
Angry Black Woman Shouts at POLITICON Panel on Fatherlessness & Racism

Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on several panels at Politicon—an annual political convention held in Pasadena, Calif., July 29 and 30th.

The first panel was on “Fatherhood, Community, and Our Cities” and it featured poet Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib, Jesse Lee Peterson, Dr. Alveda King, CNN political commentator Shermichael Singleton, and former Sean Hannity radio producer Elisha Krauss. Producer and talk show host Deborah Flora was the moderator.


Last month, July, was our second annual White History Month. Whites are the most hated species on earth – for no reason. White men founded this country and made it great, but for some reason allowed so-called “people of color” to come in and malign them. Whites have refused to stand up, but have become cowardly and angry, giving in or fighting back in the wrong way. I want to see white men stand up and make America great again. President Trump represents a hopeful sign of an awakening among whites (and men), finally fighting back against the smears.