Black Lives Matter Is 'Evil, They're Wicked...Worse Than The KKK'
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, an author, columnist, talk radio host, and founder of the pro-family group BOND, said the "race hustlers" in America include Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, and President Barack Obama, and added that the group Black Lives Matter is "evil" and "wicked" and "worse than the KKK."
"If Black Lives Matter was a white organization and doing exactly what they’re doing now, America would not accept them, they would not," said Rev. Peterson in a Sept. 17 interview with Ginni Thomas, a contributor to The Daily Caller. (Thomas is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.) "But because they are black and white people are afraid, and then they have the support of the president, they’re allowed to bring on destruction in this country.”
"Those people are evil, they’re wicked, they’re an agitating group, they’re worse than the KKK," said Rev. Peterson, who grew up on a plantation in Tuskegee, Alabama during the Jim Crow era. (Peterson's ancestors had been slaves on the same plantation in the 19th century.)
During the interview, Ginni Thomas asked, “Who are the race hustlers? Who’s in the business of keeping blacks angry?”
Rev. Peterson said, “The race hustlers are people like Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, Louis Farrakhan -- the so-called civil rights leaders -- many of the black preachers, Barack Obama. They’re all into keeping black Americans angry and demoralized for power and wealth for themselves. And you have to demoralize a person or a people in order to control them."
"You cannot control a moral people," said Peterson. "So they keep them in a state of anger and confusion so that they can use them for their personal gain.”
Thomas also asked, “What are your observations on America and race? And who’s making it better, who’s making it worse?"
Peterson said, “I have a new book out called The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood, and I write about people like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan, and all of them. And one thing they have in common is that they all grew up without a father in the home. Barack, you hear all this stuff, and then not being raised by his father, he has that emptiness as well. He doesn’t have love, he doesn’t feel love. He has anger due to the lack of love from his father. That’s why he can identify with a group like Black Lives Matter."
"Those people are evil, they’re wicked, they’re an agitating group, they’re worse than the KKK," said Peterson. "If Black Lives Matter was a white organization and doing exactly what they’re doing now, America would not accept them, they would not. But because they are black and white people are afraid, and then they have the support of the president, they’re allowed to bring on destruction in this country.”
He continued, “Can you imagine having a group of people shouting, ‘What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!’ ‘Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon!’ And they can get away with it and there are people that will go out and start killing cops – no big deal. They have a hatred for white people but the anger’s really not from white people. It starts from the home, it starts with the parents, the failure of the parents."
"But they won’t deal with that," said Peterson. "They’d rather blame it on white people because white people are afraid to stand up for themselves and say, ‘I’m not a racist. I’m not against you.’ And because they’re afraid, they’re giving power to these race hustlers."
“There’s no such thing as racism," said Rev. Peterson. "It doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion. It has been made up by the race hustlers in order to intimidate and control to get that power.”
Peterson is the president of BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), which is a nonprofit religious group dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." He also founded the BOND Leadership Academy, a private school in Los Angeles. Peterson writes a column for World Net Daily and is a frequent commentator on the Fox News Channel and CNN. In addition to the book the Antidote, Peterson is the author of SCAM: How The Black Leadership Exploits Black America.