President Trump has done more for blacks than Barack Obama did in eight years.
As part of his continued effort to reach out to blacks, Donald Trump recently held a White House faith meeting on prison reform with moderate-to-conservative-leaning black pastors. Some of the pastors lead mega-churches. In the meeting, the pastors said very complimentary things about the president.
Pastor Darrell Scott from Cleveland said President Trump is the “most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime.” “The president actually wants to prove something to our community, our faith-based community and our ethnic community,” Scott said. “The last president [Obama] didn’t feel like he had to. … He got a pass.”
Rev. Phillip Goudeaux of Calvary Christian Center in Sacramento, California, a spiritual adviser to the family of Stephon Clark (the black suspect who was fatally shot March 18 by two police officers), praised Trump as well, saying the president restored “hope” to the community.
Pastors Scott and Goudeaux came under fire from critics who claim Trump’s policies have harmed the black community. As did the Rev. John Gray, head of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He appeared on CNN with Don Lemon (aka “the dumbest man on television”) and was chastised for meeting with Trump.
Dozens of black pastors signed an open letter criticizing the black pastors who met with the president. I’ve interviewed many of these critics on my radio show, and they’re all radical leftists. They love Barack Obama. They hate whites, they’re anti-police and they’re pro-abortion. They are some of the most corrupt people around; wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Rev. Jamal Bryant called the Trump meeting “a stain on the body of Christ.” Bryant preaches at Baltimore’s Empowerment Temple AME Church. He works closely with Al Sharpton. He’s an anti-police activist who marches with Black Lives Matter and defends thugs. Bryant also reportedly cheated on his ex-wife and fathered at least one child out of wedlock.
These people are socialist, Communist pigs who don’t care about blacks. They’re pawns of the elite socialist-wing of the Democratic Party. They want blacks stuck on the Democrat’s plantation addicted to failed government programs which have laid waste to black families and railroaded black progress.
While Obama was pushing “criminal justice reform” and dividing the races with lies for eight years, blacks lost ground in every major economic category. Yet liberal black pastors and corrupt establishment black “leaders” continue to promote the lie that Obama was good for blacks – he wasn’t.
Christians shouldn’t adopt the left’s godless agenda. Criminal justice or prison reform is a liberal issue. Trying to get President Trump to focus on this issue won’t help blacks one iota. Perhaps, some of the sentencing guidelines need to be looked at to make sure punishment for minor drug offenses are fair, but get-out-of-jail-free cards aren’t the solution.
We need to address the real pressing problems plaguing the black community. Out-of-wedlock births, anger, drug addiction, crime and violence, failing public schools and the lack of job training are crucial.
Blacks are in a dire situation. According to the Pew Research Center, crime rates in America have dropped steadily in the last 20 years, but the homicide rate in Democrat-run, predominantly black cities is skyrocketing.
Black women are aborting their babies at an alarming rate. Induced abortion is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and accounts for a disturbing 61 percent of deaths of blacks, according to researchers from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
The Trump presidency is truly the last chance for blacks to get on the right course. The economy is booming and blacks – and all Americans have more opportunities to get ahead. As a result, a recent Rasmussen poll indicates that black support for Trump rose from 15 percent to 29 percent!
Blacks’ issue is not “racism” or white people. Their problem started with the resentment and anger toward their failing parents. Seventy-seven percent of black American children are born out of wedlock. These children are being raised in awful conditions without fathers. Blacks need to drop their anger so they can wake up to reality that the Democratic Party and their “leaders” don’t care about them. If blacks don’t see through the lies and propaganda, they will miss out on their last opportunity to get out of their sh*t-hole condition.
There is a spiritual revival happening in the country. And President Trump should continue to take his message directly to the people. He doesn’t have to go through so-called “leaders” to reach blacks.
Since the election of Trump, I hear from blacks who are waking up – especially from Millennials. The revival isn’t happening in the church. People are finding alternative voices and they’re being awakened by the truth. The Republican Party needs to reach these young people and make sure they turn out to vote.
It’s time for blacks to choose good or evil, life or death. The choice is up to them, but time is running out.
Jesse Lee Peterson has declared August as “Men’s History Month” – a time to recognize and appreciate the contributions of good men.