January 28th, 2017 Educational Policy Conference 2017: Defeating the Progressives ... Restoring Liberty and Freedom
Many thanks to The Constitutional Coalition for having Jesse Lee Peterson as one of their featured speakers at the Educational Policy Conference (epcconference.org). The conference is an annual 3-day event occurring the end of January in St. Louis, Missouri. Numerous speakers give informative talks on local, state, and national politics, educational policy, and the U.S. Constitution.
Excellent Speakers
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke spoke Thursday evening before Jesse arrived and was very well received.
Former Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann also spoke (like Jesse, she has been kicking up heels since the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, and she gave strong warning about the threat of Sharia to Constitutional freedom, and Islamist terrorism to humanity, including alarming and sobering lessons from Europe).
Other great speakers included Sam Sorbo who spoke on home schooling and confronting the false education in schools and universities today, and the importance of standing up for what's right and speaking out in support of one another.
Amy Lutz of Young America's Foundation spoke on leftist intimidation, abuse and stifling of conservative speech on college campuses, including an example of Ben Shapiro visiting California State University of Los Angeles, despite bullying and agitation by Black Lives Matter faculty and students.
Former Congressman Tom Delay gave his testimony on learning the constitution after he was elected to office, and how a senior official showed him a video by Dr. James Dobson about family that struck his conscience as a father and put him on the road to Christianity. Many others gave interesting presentations as well.
Gosnell book and movie
Just before Jesse spoke, Ann McElhinney gave a short but passionate overview on her Gosnell book and movie, including her interview with mass murderer himself, Kermit Gosnell. (The conference screened the Gosnell movie for attendees for free that afternoon -- very few people had yet seen it.) Just that week she'd appeared on The O'Reilly Factor and even visited the White House to meet with Vice President Mike Pence and Kellyanne Conway. (Before this work, she had no opinion on abortion; now she does.)
Ann McElhinney and Phelim Mcaleer will be selling and signing copies of "Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer" tonight 7-9 p.m. at The Mayflower Club, 11110 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91606 Details here
Tribute to Phyllis Phyllis Schlafly
A number of people expressed how they missed Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis founded Eagle Forum, and spoke at Educational Policy Conference every year. She died on September 5 last year, well into her 90s. Donna, the organizer of the conference, had always said "no" to a woman president, "except maybe Phyllis." Only she had the smartness and toughness to be qualified. She gave a short but very nice tribute to the great woman. (Jesse too has spoken in honor of Phyllis Schlafly.)
Jesse's talk on forgiveness
Jesse gave the final talk at the conference luncheon, providing the antidote to the fear and anger that has been destroying the country. He explained the reality that "racism" does not exist, as shown in his book "The Antidote," that the problems facing the black community have everything to do with the lack of moral character, due to the destruction of the family, the falling away from God -- and nothing to do with white people.
Jesse described how not one black man in 60 years, including former President Barack Obama, could solve blacks' decline, including the rampant abortion and violence by fellow black people, and their displacement from their own communities by illegal aliens. But President Donald Trump promised to act and has already acted on these problems -- it took a white man to solve blacks' real problems, and he is hated and reviled for it. Remember that Christ came to save us, and many hated him too.
Enthusiastic reception from youth
Many people, young and old, came to talk and take photos with Jesse afterward, bought his book and had him sign it -- young high school and college-age students lined up, as well as parents and grandparents, and even hotel staff. Many of the younger people were joyful about the simple truth Jesse delivered with no anger, talking about the life of Michael Brown (from Ferguson, 15 minutes away), about OJ Simpson, Barack Obama, and Jesse's own life, and his work with people. Some women were crying because of the separation they felt from their own fathers. The solution to black suffering is one all people relate to.
Order Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is the Founder and President of BOND, a nationally recognized 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." To learn more about our programs and services visit www.rebuildingtheman.com We don’t accept any government funds, and we rely on your donations to operate our programs and services. To make a donation click on the button below: