I love the example that President Trump sets for America. Finally, there’s a real man in office!
He breaks the culture that kills masculinity and distorts truth. He shows tough love with no fear. Americans have not seen such a man in so long that many do not recognize it.
Donald Trump is the president America needs. He defends himself when attacked, slaps down opposition, ignores the fake rules of political correctness, and he goes around the media to tell us what’s really going on in the country. He does it all with no anger or malice.
Trump told us on Twitter that Obama “wire tapped” him. Despite outrage from phony media and politicians, he was proven right. We’ve seen evidence of spying and leaks from people inside the government beholden to Obama who hate Trump and try to undermine his America-first agenda.
What do YOU think? Sound off on Trump’s tweeted video ‘bodyslam’ of CNN in the WND Poll!
Trump tweeted that he won the popular vote against Hillary if you discount the millions of illegal votes she received. Since Obama’s election, voter-integrity groups faced harassment from the IRS and other government agencies. Liberal media, Democrats and activist judges cry “racism” against sensible voter ID laws, fooling brainwashed blacks, Hispanics and college-educated liberals who can’t think for themselves. Liberals have no qualms about cheating the system and breaking the law. Research groups Old Dominion University and Just Facts independently estimated millions of illegal votes in the past three presidential elections, supporting Trump’s claim.
Trump put to rest the false “Russian collusion” story while the liberal media further destroyed their credibility by trying to hurt the president. The undercover journalism of Project Veritas exposed CNN’s snobbish disdain for Trump, for voters and the truth. Influential CNN employees, including Van Jones, were caught admitting there was nothing to the “Russia” story. CNN is just an example of the dishonesty of all liberal elitists.
Trump’s tweets make liberal establishments like CNN and “the failing New York Times” look cheap and untrustworthy. He tweeted, “The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media – but remember, I won the 2016 election with interviews, speeches and social media. I had to beat #FakeNews, and did. We will continue to WIN!” He pinned the tweet, “I am thinking about changing the name #FakeNews CNN to #FraudNewsCNN!”
Liberals want to ban Trump from Twitter. They use liberal “community guidelines” and deceptive “fake news” guidelines to censor conservatives and influential independent figures on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. But Twitter would lose if it tried that on Trump. All of Trump’s opponents fall by the wayside (just look at Hillary Clinton, Megyn Kelly and now CNN).
The president said: “I heard poorly-rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”
The liberal media had a hissy fit. CNN’s Chris Cillizza accused Trump of “bullying” the “woman,” Mika Brzezinski, while largely ignoring what he said about the “male,” Joe Scarborough. RINO Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse and Lynn Jenkins, of course, joined the wicked (but useless) anti-man attack on the president.
Trump is not a coward on the playground who lets you bully him and cries to Mama. As first lady Melania Trump indicated, if you hit him, expect to be hit back “10 times harder.” President Trump stands his ground and doesn’t apologize. He kills the feminized culture that stands against men.
Trump tweeted: “Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!”
NBC is part of the dishonest media establishment, highlighting the need for Donald Trump to talk directly to us. NBC’s Chuck Todd moralized, “Anyone with a child under 18 has to be asking themselves, how do I explain the president’s actions especially since he faces no consequences[?]”
As my grandmother explained to my sisters when they hit me, and I hit back, “If you don’t want to get hit, don’t hit!”
The president works to protect the American people. But due to the hatred residing in liberals’ hearts, they can’t see this. The Supreme Court allowed part of Trump’s travel ban to go forward, protecting us from Muslim refugees who bring problems and lack love for America. The House of Representatives passed Kate’s Law this week. Trump met with families of victims of illegal aliens. He reported these things on his social media platforms in his weekly video address. As Trump tweeted, “My use of social media is not Presidential – it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL. Make America Great Again!”
Watch President Trump’s example, and learn to fight evil without anger. You will be more effective, happy and peaceful. To become a real man or woman, seek God by first loving your father (as Trump does). I urge you to pray that you might find the kingdom of heaven within.