“Nobody kill anybody for 72 hours.”
That’s the plea from Baltimore residents who want a murder-free weekend in a city where 200 residents have been killed this year.
That year, Baltimore had 344 homicides, the deadliest per capita in the city’s history. The next year marked its second highest, with 318 deaths. This year, the city with a population of 614,000 is on track to beat both records and top all other big U.S. cities. Meanwhile, Baltimore’s police force has shrunk from 2,900 officers to 2,700.
So what is escalating this madness?
According to reports, theories circulated about how Freddie Gray’s death contributed to the surge in killings. Some people say the use and sale of drugs from looted pharmacies contributed to the violence. Others say the riots ignited old turf wars between gangs.
Some residents say police have changed how they patrol for fear of getting in trouble. We had the Ferguson effect following the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Now, it appears the Freddie Gray effect – fear of being labeled “racist” and losing their jobs – is causing Baltimore police to hesitate in going after criminals.
The city’s former prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, an overzealous and inexperienced black attorney, charged six officers in Freddie Gray’s death, but her case was weak, and all the officers were acquitted.
Barack Obama, former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the Congressional Black Caucus and Black Lives Matter activists all came down hard on the police – especially on white officers. These people falsely accused police of “racism” and encouraged anger toward police.
The Baltimore Police Department was the subject of a scathing Justice Department report that accused the department of racial discrimination on Baltimore’s streets. The department is now being overhauled under a consent decree with the federal government.
“Since the Freddie Gray situation, even if you call the police and give a description, they can’t touch” the criminals, a Baltimore business owner told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “They know they’re untouchable. That’s the key.”
Baltimore and other predominantly black communities desperately need policing. Liberal Democrats and black “activists” claim they can police their own communities, but without police presence, we have violence and carnage.
The destruction and evil in Baltimore has nothing to do with “racism” or poverty. It’s rooted in the hatred and anger that starts in the single, black, female-headed household.
More than 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock. The violence we see is caused by the anger that most blacks have toward their impatient mothers and the yearning for absent fathers. Until black Americans face this truth and drop their anger, things will only get worse. A weekend ceasefire won’t hold.
The liberal media, career politicians (from both parties) and black preachers (who are not called by God, but called by their mama) don’t want this truth to get out. Most politicians use their “power” to control and keep the masses dependent to feel good about their own insecurity. Power-hungry lawmakers want people stressed, angry, dependent and fighting with one another.
All angry people are weak people. They don’t have any power or authority. They have fear and doubt, and they are not free. They use this false sense of power to stay in denial about their own weakness.
Instead of encouraging blacks to drop their anger and forgive their parents so God can forgive them and set them free, false “leaders” encourage blacks to blame and hate whites. It’s an evil game that’s being played on unsuspecting people.
All angry people feel like victims, and they blame others for their anger and circumstances. Once you let go of anger, it’s apparent that the battle is not physical. It’s not black versus white, or Democrat versus Republican – it’s good versus evil.
I am calling on President Donald Trump and HUD Secretary Ben Carson to intervene in Baltimore to stop the carnage. It’s not acceptable for this level of violence to continue in the greatest country on earth. We need emergency action to protect the decent and law-abiding people trapped in these communities.
The Baltimore ceasefire is like putting a Band-Aid on a victim hemorrhaging from a wound – it’s just a matter of time until the patient dies. Black-on-black violence will never cease until blacks forgive and drop their rage.