Obama-Picked Judge Snuffs Out Another Life
Barack Obama’s legacy of unchecked abortions is still haunting the U.S.
An Obama-appointed federal judge said she was “astounded” that the Trump Justice Department tried to block a 17-year-old Central American illegal immigrant girl in its custody from having an abortion in Texas.
District Judge Tanya Chutkan, a black woman, wrote that the teen will “suffer irreparable injury,” including health risks, if the government interferes with her abortion plans. She ordered the government to allow the teen to abort her baby. Judge Chutkan bemoaned the fact that federal workers took the teenager to a Christian pregnancy facility for counseling, and also informed the teen’s mother about the pregnancy.
In this case, the federal government is doing the right thing and showing compassion for this girl. The “irreparable injury” is being inflicted by the judge’s decision to sanction an abortion for a minor who is in the country illegally.
This so-called judge doesn’t care about this girl. If she cared, she wouldn’t be opposed to counseling and parental notification before the girl undergoes a life- and soul-altering procedure. This judge is heartless, but these are the types of wicked people appointed by the fallen messiah Barack Obama – the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history.
To its credit, the Justice Department appealed the case. The Justice Department said the government has “strong and constitutionally legitimate interests in promoting childbirth, in refusing to facilitate abortion, and in not providing incentives for pregnant minors to illegally cross the border to obtain elective abortions while in federal custody.”
As reported in the Washington Post, a Justice Department lawyer signaled that undocumented minors do not have a constitutional right to an elective abortion in federal custody, unless it is a medical emergency.
But Judge Chutkan countered that the teenager does not need a medical emergency to exercise her right to an abortion … All the government had to do, Chutkan said, is process the paperwork to let the girl visit the clinic, just as they would if she needed to have her tonsils removed.
Lawyers for the ACLU who represent the pregnant teen cheered the judge’s ruling as a major victory for abortion and immigrant rights. Despite the Trump administration’s best effort to stop it, the godless ACLU made sure the abortion was carried out.
Despite the unfortunate outcome in this case, I was heartened to see that we have an administration that vigorously advocates for the rights of the unborn and the rule of law – a stark contrast to Obama’s lawless administration.
In the wake of the ongoing debate over abortion, I had Dr. Willie Parker, an OB-GYN specializing in abortions on my weekly web-series “The Fallen State TV” (which also airs on WNDTV).
Like Judge Tanya Chutkan, Dr. Parker is a staunch abortion supporter, and he too is black. He is also the former medical director of Planned Parenthood Metropolitan Washington, D.C.
The New York Times describes him as a “Southern Christian abortion provider” – but trust me, there is nothing Christian about him.
“I believe that as an abortion provider, I am doing God’s work,” Parker writes in his book, “Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice.”
“I am protecting women’s rights, their human right to decide their futures for themselves, and to live their lives as they see fit,” he states.
Parker makes it sound so nice that you almost forget he is an unrepentant abortionist talking about killing babies. But the left is very skilled at seducing people with words.
Since 2002, Parker has been performing abortions in Alabama and across Southern states. He said Planned Parenthood clinics perform some 300,000 abortions a year.
The man is full of contradictions, and he wouldn’t answer simple questions. He admitted that abortion does end a life, but then he questioned whether it “ends a person.”
Planned Parenthood awarded him the Margaret Sanger Award – interesting that a black man is the recipient of this award considering that Sanger was a eugenist who was admired by the Ku Klux Klan.
He brought up President Trump (The Great White Hope) and called him immoral for wanting to build a big beautiful border wall. He attacked the president’s evangelical Christian supporters as “immoral.” When I asked if he voted for Obama, he wouldn’t answer (which usually means, yes).
Parker travels thousands of miles to perform abortions, including at the last remaining abortion clinic in Mississippi. I’ve protested that clinic along with other pro-life Christians. And my nonprofit, BOND, has been protesting Planned Parenthood abortion clinics for years.
When I asked him how many abortions he has performed, he said, “as many as necessary … and what difference does it make whether I perform 1,000 or 100,000?”
When I mentioned the out-of-control abortion rate among black women (900 to 1,200 babies aborted daily), he wasn’t bothered at all.
People like Dr. Willie Parker and Judge Tanya Chutkan don’t have any love or concern for blacks and women. They have sold their souls, and they are pawns of Planned Parenthood and the elite-wing of the Democratic Party.
The Democrats only care about power and votes, and they’re willing to use abortion and illegal immigration to get it.
Planned Parenthood abortion doctor: Abortion is taking a life