Democrats and the media claim that President-elect Donald Trump is giving a platform to “white supremacists” – but the facts show otherwise.
Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary Clinton’s campaign director of communications, recently repeated these accusations at a Harvard forum that became a heated debate with Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway.
CNN commentator and Marxist sympathizer Van Jones told talk-show host Hugh Hewitt that Republicans have “given space for a bunch of bigots.” Jones is the same guy who called Trump’s victory a “whitelash against a black president.”
There simply is no wave of attacks against minorities by Trump supporters. To the contrary, evidence shows that it’s Trump supporters who have primarily been the victims of violent attacks. And most of the alleged attacks against minorities have been exposed as hoaxes.
Here are some examples.
- A 58-year-old black man was arrested in Philadelphia for vandalizing cars with “pro-Trump” and anti-black graffiti. Police say that the day after Trump was elected, William Tucker sprayed “Trump Rules” and “Black B–ch” on a white SUV owned by his 62-year-old neighbor, a black woman. After a tipster called police and identified Tucker, he was arrested and charged with four counts of criminal mischief. The media, with no evidence, tied the acts to neo-Nazis.
- A female Muslim student at the University of Louisiana claimed her hijab was ripped off and her wallet stolen the day after Trump’s election by two white men wearing Trump hats. But a day later, the Lafayette Police Department announced that the woman admitted she fabricated the story.
- As reported by com, a photo of an alleged Ku Klux Klan rally in honor of Trump’s victory turned out to be an old photo of conservatives carrying U.S., Gadsden (“Don’t Tread on Me”) and Christian flags that were billowing out in a manner mistaken for Klan robes.
- One incident reported as a “hate crime” by CNN occurred at a university where somebody chalked the words “Trump,” “Build wall” and “F—k your safe space” in front of the library. Isolated incidents of anti-Semitic imagery spray-painted on an abandoned building and at a few high schools have also been reported, but these are more likely random acts and not associated with Trump voters.
So where do these bogus reports about hate being on the rise after Trump’s election originate? Most of the lies and misinformation come from the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC.
The SPLC is a leftist attack dog funded by George Soros and other wealthy left-wing foundations that seeks to transform America into a socialist hellhole. Despite its name and tax-exempt status, SPLC reportedly has $338 million in assets and investments in offshore tax havens Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
Many of the so-called hate groups the SPLC monitors are so characterized because they espouse pro-American values. The SPLC labels as hate groups respected organizations such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the Pacific Justice Institute, Center for Security Policy, American Freedom Defense Initiative and the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
The SPLC falsely associates Trump with neo-Nazis, white nationalists and the so-called “alt right,” which has become a favorite catch phrase of the left and the mainstream media who aim to marginalize and discredit conservatives.
But the SPLC hasn’t said a word about Barack Obama’s cozy relationship with the “American Hitler,” Louis Farrakhan. The SPLC has designated Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam as a hate group; yet it has been silent about Farrakhan’s recent disclosure that he had several meetings with Obama while Obama was a senator.
It has also been silent about Obama’s ongoing close ties to Black Lives Matter, which he has invited to the White House. They are the ones giving a platform to black nationalists and hate groups.
The Black Lives Matter movement is responsible for many of the 67 police shootings in 2016 – the highest death toll for police in more than a decade. Shooting deaths of officers spiked 78 percent in the first half of 2016 compared to last year, including an alarming increase in ambush-style assaults like the ones that killed eight officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, according to a recent report released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.
Last August, crowds of Black Lives Matter rioters chanted “black power” as they targeted whites for violence in Milwaukee in the aftermath of a police shooting. The black mob stopped random vehicles searching for whites to attack.
Why are white-on-black crimes considered “hate crimes” while black-on-white violence is ignored?
The wave of anti-Trump “hate crimes” is far greater than whatever crimes are being attributed to Trump supporters. Some of the anti-Trump protests have also resulted in violent attacks on police and dozens of arrests. For instance, black thugs beat a white man in Chicago because they presumed he voted for Trump.
The left’s false narrative about a wave of “hate crimes” inspired by Trump is meant to delegitimize the president-elect. We must boldly expose their intimidation tactics for exactly what they are.