Gloria Allred

Black Activist Confronts Gloria Allred For Lying on Trump; Debates Pro-Hillary Reporters

Author and talk show host, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump held a press conference and protest Tuesday (October 19, 2016) outside the Los Angeles office of attorney Gloria Allred, who represents Summer Zervos

The Democratic Party Is ‘Very Radical’

Rev. Peterson addressed members of the media and indicated his belief that the release of “bird-dogging” videos released on Monday indicate that the Democratic Party is the true party of radicals, and that they are willing to “whatever it takes” to win this election.

Donald Trump supporters protest outside lawyer Gloria Allred’s office

Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump staged a protest Tuesday outside the Los Angeles office of attorney Gloria Allred, who represents Summer Zervos — the Huntington Beach woman who claims she was a victim of unwanted sexual advances by Trump.


The Democrats and mainstream media have colluded to take down Donald Trump and prop up crooked Hillary.

When Democrats and their media partners are at risk of losing elections, they resort to accusing their Republican opponents of sexual misconduct or “racism.” They’ve accused Donald Trump of both. But he is confounding them with his “true grit.”